Saturday, 10 March 2012

'Poem of the Week' Read by Rosie

Rosie reads our poem of the week 'Night Shadows'. Rosie has been learning to read smoothly with an interesting voice. She is able to use eye contact when she is reading to other people. Rosie is able to read the poem with rhythm. Why don't you leave Rosie a comment about her reading.


  1. Rosie, we liked the way that you read it smoothly. It was really great to hear that you stopped at the fullstops and paused at the commas.

  2. Hi Rosie,

    Wow what smooth reading! And you kept to the rhythm of the poem. I am very impressed!

    From Kate and Room 16

  3. Hi Rosie,

    I loved hearing you read 'Night Shadows'. I was very impressed at how interesting you made it sound!

    We have a copy of that poem in Room 11 and we are Year 6s!!!

    Ruth in Room 11

  4. Juanita and Arlo1 April 2012 at 15:51

    Hey Rosie,

    I loved the way you read 'Night shadows'.
    You are a great reader!

    From Juanita and Arlo

  5. Hi Rosie

    i really like the way you gave attitude when you were reading and i really like how u made it sound interesting.
    well done
