Saturday, 10 March 2012

'Poem of the Week' Read by Rosie

Rosie reads our poem of the week 'Night Shadows'. Rosie has been learning to read smoothly with an interesting voice. She is able to use eye contact when she is reading to other people. Rosie is able to read the poem with rhythm. Why don't you leave Rosie a comment about her reading.

Butterfly Gardens by Zach


On Sunday, Me, Jake, Mum and Monique went to the Butterfly Gardens. First we went into the butterfly house. There were lots of flowers and butterflies. The butterflies liked my blue hat. One landed on it. Next we did a little walk. There were a lot of tracks. We saw the Weta Hotel. Then we went into the butterfly house again. Two Butterflies landed on my hat. It was an exciting day. 

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Charlie Reads the Poem of the Week

Charlie has been learning to read smoothly with an interesting voice. Have a listen to Charlie reading Room 1's poem of the week and then leave him a comment about his learning.